Sunday, 5 August 2012

William Control Music Video Analysis

(By Lauren)

The specific choice of animals and images used in this video create an eerie and uncomfortable atmosphere and makes the audience on edge. The cuts become faster as the music gets louder this creates tension and suspense holding the audiences attention. Different shot sizes are used but mostly close ups and medium close ups of the artist. This shows the conventions of music videos within this genre and brings the focus back to the artist which brings the audience closer to him. The colour black is mostly seen in this video, this creates a dark dull mood and shadowy atmosphere. The Raven and horse used at the beginning of the video are literary references. The smoke in the video is a trade mark of the artist as he is always smoking in his promotional material. The doll used contrasts with the idea of the video and the lyrical content of the song. This is because dolls in reality represent innocence, childhood and beauty and the video does not connote any of these. The words 'Inside' 'Love' 'Lie' 'Loser' and 'Bleed' shown are strong meaningful words which relate to the song. Towards the middle of the video lots of flickering effects are used disorientate the viewer and are used as cuts to go from one scene to another.

The beginning of the video begins the narrative of video as it introduces the main character to the audience. In the video the artist is smoking again which links all of his videos together. There is limited light used, however there is artificial light which creates a lot of shadows and areas of darkness. The gun held by the main character throughout the video demonstrates that she is the main antagonist. The part where the artist lies on the bed dead covered in blood concludes the narrative that has ran through the 'Only Human Sometimes' video as well as this video; 'Kiss me Judas'. This narrative is inspired by the book 'Kiss me Judas' written by Will Christopher Bear. The end is left open ended when the timer runs down to 0 on the antagonists phone.

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